
Affiliate Tips & Knowledge Page

Affiliate Tips & Knowledge Page

Come back to this page often as we are constantly updating it with helpful info that will help you make more money!

Affiliate Dashboard Help:

When you login to the affiliate dashboard for the first time, you will be asked to agree to some terms and then our affiliate platform provider LeadDyno will take you to the Affiliate Dashboard.

Keep in mind that all of the instructions on this page are from a perspective that you're on a desktop or a laptop and not on a mobile device. The affiliate dashboard is "responsive" so it will adjust to your screen size but for explanation purposes... we are explaining it as if you are on a desktop.

At the top of the dashboard's home page... you will see something that says, "Your Referral Link" and that link has your custom affiliate code in it that will let us track your referrals and credit you for the sales. If you don't use one of our custom affiliate links... we cannot track your customers and therefore you won't be given credit. Just copy that link (or one of the custom links we talk about below) and use it on your website, emails, chat messages, etc. That specific link on the home page... where it says, "Referral link" will take people to our site's home page at If you want to take people to specific products or product category pages... you will need to create a custom link which is explained below.

Here is an example of a typical affiliate referral link (where XXXX=1X is your custom affiliate code - don't use the link below - it's just an example. Your specific Affiliate code will have something different than where you see XXXX-1X below):


Check out this 12 second video for some reference/context: SEE VIDEO

You will also see in your Dashboard your compensation that you have received and how much you have accrued and  you will see more info and stats about the commissions when clicking the Commissions link/tab. 

For various analytics... click on the analytics link.


SubID / Channels

This is where you can organize your links and create links to send a customer to a specific product page or product category.

Click on the "SubIDs/Channels" link in your affiliate dashboard (on a desktop it's under the logo on the left side of the screen).

Here is what this section looks like in your affiliate Dashboard:

Go to and find the product or product category that you want to go and copy the URL.

Now go back to the Affiliate Dashboard and go to the SubIDs/Channels link... and remove the link that you see next to the Create a Link button and paste in the URL that you got from the product or category page in the step above... and paste it into the place for the new link... replacing the link you removed (where in the image above... it says, "Enter A Link URL." If you don't see that text... you need to remove the link/text in there first... and then once you see "Enter A Link URL" - paste the product or category URL in there.

Enter a Link Name... ie. whatever the category or product name is - you can name it anything you want.

Click Create a Link... and a custom link will be created for you... for you to use and market.

For example... I created one called Custom Cornhole Category... which sends a person to the "Custom Cornhole Category" and here is the link it created for me (now, don't use this link as your link will have your custom Affiliate code in it):


How to put link on a Product or Image:
We already talked about above how you can get your affiliate link and/or create a custom link. 

From a Desktop or Laptop (not mobile device)... find the product or image you like... and using a browser like Google Chrome, hover over the image that you want and right click and select, "Open Image in New Tab" and then go to that new tab with the image and save that image to your hard drive.

Now you have the image and the custom affiliate link that you created using the instructions above and the product info from the product page... so that is enough to create a product listing, create a marketing email, etc.


If you are wondering what's hot and selling... go to this page for ideas: Top Sellers


Come back soon and/or keep up with the emails from us and our affiliate program as we will have marketing ideas, news / alerts on what products are hot, tips, etc.


If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to email the affiliate manager.



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