
Gear Up: 4 Ways Tailgaters Can Stay Safe All Season Long

Posted by All American Tailgate on 28th Oct 2014

Gear Up: 4 Ways Tailgaters Can Stay Safe All Season Long

If you’re like most tailgate enthusiasts, you’re probably excited as the new season approaches. The weather is getting better, and some of your favorite sports teams are pushing for success as they battle their playoff rivals. With that said, you might visualize the perfect party for you and fellow tailgaters. But don’t forget this one thing – safety. It’s easy to forget about this aspect, especially if you’ve hosted a few of these events before. However, it’s essential that you make it a priority.

Making the effort to keep your party safe is one of the most important tasks for enjoyable tailgating games. It doesn’t matter how riveting the event is – an injury or illness can turn an otherwise fun occasion into an unwanted memory. Think hard and carefully about your ideas before deciding to run off with them. Your reputation could very well remain in good standing by doing so.

Stay Safe by Thinking of All Angles

Mishaps, the preventable ones usually, happen because people often plan for one thing while ignoring another. You fill your car with gas, get lost somewhere, but you forgot to charge your phone and its dead now. Or you go to a store with no cash in your wallet, stand in a long line, and then see a sign that says “debit machine out of order”. When it comes to a tailgate party, similar things can happen, but the consequences can be more serious than wasted time. So it’s best to think of ALL the elements that belong in your tailgating games before commencing.

Good Food Means Good Storage

A tailgate party without good food is pretty bland. Sure, it’s not the only thing people go for, but it is a big deal. Just think of how your mouth waters when you think about those juicy burgers and chicken drumsticks. Others may go for the snacks. Whatever your preference, the way you store food is important.

Within that sphere are the methods of preparation. Proper food handling greatly reduces the risk of foodborne illnessesFood poisoning is unpleasant, life-threatening in some cases, and that makes safe handling a big deal. Also, think about those with allergies. A food item that makes contact with another is all it takes to set off a bad reaction in some individuals. A lot of it really is common sense – you just have to pay close attention since you are dealing with the health of others.

Tips for Keeping Food Safe:

  • Cook thoroughly
  • Wrap and cover (to keep insects away)
  • Keep possible allergenic foods separate
  • Don’t mix utensils used for raw items to handle cooked items
  • Wash your hands and/or use sanitizers when appropriate

Protect Yourself and Others From the Elements

Bright sunshine can turn into sweltering heat. A breeze can turn into a rough wind. A passing cloud can dump rain and unleash lightning. The forces of nature won’t show any mercy to your tailgating party, so you have to do what’s necessary to prepare for their presence. In most cases, bad weather will simply make you uncomfortable and spoil the vibe of your event. But there’s also hail, thunderstorms, and torrential downpours that can lead to injury.
Other elements are barely noticeable or minor in size. UV rays and biting insects are problematic as well, and if you ask anyone who’s been sunburned or stung, they can tell you it’s not fun. So make sure to plan for these nuisances. Remember too, that excess sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer, and insect bites/stings can lead to illness or allergic reactions in some.

Tips for Protection Against Nature:

Choose Your Surroundings Wisely

The location you choose for your party will bring either success or failure to your tailgating games. It’s that simple. In fact, setting has everything to do with your event since it’s the basis for all that you’ll do. Handling a barbecue, creating space for gameplay and conversation, and the mere act of putting up a tent depends on the area you select.

There’s more to a location than the amount of space, however. Location can make or break your tailgating games - choose wisely!There are also laws, some of which may prohibit tailgating events. Additionally, hazards, including waste, sharp objects (possible issue in fields and parking lots), and other obstacles can make a landscape a dangerous place. Again, preparation is the key to avoid these troubles, and you should do all you can to make sure that you choose the ideal location.

X Marks the Spot:

  • Check photos online or visit the location in person
  • Ask others who have tailgated in that spot before
  • Find out if there are laws against hosting an event on the premises
  • Learn what the surroundings are like (rough neighborhoods etc.)
  • Discern whether there are potential hazards that could make it unsafe

Establish Rules

Finally, you’ll need to unleash your inner law enforcer/disciplinarian if you want your party to go smoothly. Let’s talk about the kids. You might have a few juniors who’ll attend your event. Children are boisterous and risk-takers by nature, so they might not know the boundaries of acceptable gameplay and behavior.

You’ll have to set some rules for them beforehand, if they are to keep calm. With that said, don’t make them feel like caged animals. Even the adults can “act out” sometimes, especially when booze is involved. So the remedy here is to monitor the flow of alcohol, making sure that the crowd doesn’t get too rowdy. Rules do more than enforce good behavior – they can keep your guests safe from the dangers of criminals who may try to impose on your party.

Tips for Keeping the Peace:

  • Establish game rules early on (for all games, whether it involves cornhole boards or plain old running)
  • Set consequences for kids who don’t want to cooperate
  • Keep an eye on those who are drinking
  • Don’t allow uninvited people to mingle with your guests (call police if necessary)
  • Don’t invite people who have a reputation for acting childishly at gatherings

May the Games Begin

Taking all precautions can make your tailgating games an event to rememberIt’s that time of year of again! No longer are you stuck in hibernation mode like some polar bear. Things are getting lively once more. The sports world heats up as various teams knock each other out of the competition, and that means some of your most exciting parties are right around the corner! While the fun is deserved, make sure to take all safety precautions when organizing your tailgating games. That includes the handling of food, weather protection, choice of location, and general rules to make sure everyone cooperates. Not only will your guests feel comfortable, they’ll enjoy themselves and look back at your event as another good memory. After all, there’s no better payoff for your hard work!

Looking for tips on how to make your tailgating events even better this year? Give us a shout for more info and advice!